the Spanish and Andalusian sphere New times for European regional policy: Challenges in the Spanish and Andalusian .University. When Spain  the European project, the consensus among economic policy experts on the roadmap for Andalusia was clear. Promote its territorial articulation through the deployment of physical.  Infrastructure, which would act as catalytic tools for the progress of the region, to later benefit from, structural deficiencies and recipients of . European funds to promote their convergence. Almost four decades later, it is unquestionable that this financial injection  the economic transformation of the . Region and has also been a priceless spring in the face of moments of uncertainty such as the . Financial crisis or sovereign debt. However, since the  pandemic we are witnessing a change of direction from Brussels, betting on spending policies that promote economic activity and recovery, and incorporating the  funds.


These read the recent crisis in

terms of opportunity, forming the largest financial stimulus . Package ever approved to refound the EU Recovery Plan. The European Commission creates a protective shield over countries financed by the issuance of pooled public debt, saving the USA Phone Number Data  weakest economies from speculative attacks and returning to European values ​​of solidarity. Furthermore, the virtuous circle of Keynesian multiplier effects is  which is not negligible .Since in the Andalusian case, estimates were  that each euro spent on regional policy could generate a return of 1.5 euros. In large numbers, the European Recovery . In constant  trillion euros (between the Multiannual Financial Framework  to  trillion euros, and the financial instrument with another  and the actions had to be materialized in national plans, such as the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

This amounted to around

Billion euros, the vast majority of which was  towards aid and loans from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism to be funds. The management of these  items, reception, must have the  participation Afghanistan Phone Number List  of regional and local . Administrations; and precisely this is where pitfalls arise,  co-governance. Conditionality also takes on special importance .Since the disbursement of funds is subject to the . Implementation of structural adjustments. Such as the reform of the labor market, the pension system or more than 100 other reforms in the Spanish case. The national  digital transformation, social and territorial cohesion  10 lever axes that delimit the priority in the actions; and many other Strategic . Projects for Economic . Recovery and Transformation  to which an Addendum is to the plan; raising the effective financing potential to . The execution reports  at the national level are very encouraging.  Placing levels, reflecting improvements in employment, private consumption and the foreign sector.