Understand the value of Natural Language Processing for Marketing

NLP — or “natural language processing” — helps technology make sense of human language in a number of ways, but what is it really all about? In this post, we’ll explain how it works and how it can be us to boost conversions and the production of relevant content.

Valentina Giraldo

May 31, 21 | 9 min read
What is natural language processing in marketing?
Reading time: 7 minutes
If you’re looking for new ways to maximize the impact of your company’s digital marketing efforts to drive more customers, profits, and growth, you can look no further than natural language processing (NLP).

In short, NLP — or NLP, meaning “natural language processing” in Spanish — is the technology that allows computers to make sense of human language .

That is, it is what makes it possible for a virtual

assistant like Alexa to play your favorite song when you ask it to or turn off the lights when it hears your voice.

And the fact is that today’s world has easily integrat the use of NLP to make tasks faster and more enjoyable for users.

But how can you use natural language processing to improve your company’s digital marketing practices?

If you want to know the answer, we will explain below:

What is natural language processing?
How does natural language processing work?
Is NLP present in our daily lives?
How is natural language processing us in digital marketing?
Let’s get start!

What is natural language processing?
NLP is not a new concept; in fact, preliminary studies of NLP were conduct during the 1950s.

And, simply put, natural language marshall islands email list 100000 contact leads processing is the technology that enables machines to communicate with humans .

However, in the 70+ years since its inception, NLP has become more than just an exciting new way to input information into computers and other technological devices – it is now not only an invaluable tool that enables machines to understand human language, but also evaluate the information they receive .

And it is in fact the type of artificial intelligence that allows Siri, for example, to understand your questions or that allows Google to offer you relevant search results, even when you misspell some words.

Because of these advancements and more

NLP has emerg as a valuable asset for digital marketers and a wide range of other marketing professionals.

After all, the more information you gather about your audience’s preferences, interests and habits, the easier it will be to offer them your products or services and get them to buy them.

What is the difference between NLP, AI and Machine Learning?
These terms represent unique concepts within the world of artificial intelligence, and their differences lie in the following:

Artificial intelligence
AI encompasses a broad range of technology that enables computers to develop intelligence , usually through problem solving.

Artificial intelligence algorithms have the power to help machines engage in decision-making tasks .

In addition, AI has the ability to sort and analyze data in real time to inform decisions that can be made.

Machine learning
It is a branch of AI that allows machines to progressively improve their accuracy through evolving algorithms and data.

For example, Machine learning makes it possible for a computer to beat you at chess or for a Tesla vehicle to drive itself.

This technology is intend to mimic the learning process of humans, constantly adapting to improve itself, make intelligent prictions, and discover insights.

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Natural Language Processing (NLP)

It is another branch of artificial intelligence that helps computers understand human language.

One of the main functions of NLP is to receive spoken language input and convert it into a written format; or it can also be us to process written language input, such as a Google search.

Even if a word is misspell, it allows the computer to understand what you probably meant and produce relevant results.

How does natural language processing work?
NLP is achiev by breaking down the input language into small pieces that can be process, analyz and given meaning by vectorizing text.

Text vectorization transforms language input into internet seo vital parameters of web positioning something the computer can understand.

The computer then uses algorithms to identify and process the rules of the language, such as the tendency of an adjective to prece a noun in the Spanish language or the fact that a word can have multiple different meanings.

In order for a computer to understand a question or command spoken or written in human language, it must use what is call syntactic and semantic analysis . But what are these about? Let’s take a look!

Syntactic analysis
This type of analysis helps machines compare classical grammar rules with users’ language input.

With syntactic analysis, the computer can betting email list begin to identify patterns that are understood in human language, as well as those that do not make sense.

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