Types of Branding: Learn 9 different ways to build a brand management strategy

The main types of branding today are: corporate, social, digital, emotional, employer branding, political, personal, product and co-branding. In this guide we will show you what each of them is about and how to apply them.

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Apr 30, 21 | 7 min read
What are the most common types of branding?
Reading time: 6 minutes
If you have been in the world of marketing for some time, you will know that products are rarely just products. Thanks to branding and its popularity in recent decades, it is implicit that the name of the brand has a direct impact on the commercial results of companies.

And while products provide diverse experiences and serve a purpose, brands often add differentiating elements to their items that increase the level of satisfaction in their users, managing to set aside the rest of the options when considering a purchase.

Within marketing , we consider branding as the process

of analyzing, developing and applying one or more specific and distinctive characteristics for a company, so that potential clients and consumers end up deciding on the products and services it offers to the market.

However, the different categories list of mongolia consumer email of products and services can extend to segments beyond the commercial one. Therefore, the types of branding take on a sufficient importance in the interactions that it is worth separating them to define them one by one.

Are you ready? Read to the end!

Types of branding you can apply to build your brand
Obviously, within the types of branding there is one that stands out above the others in terms of popularity, which is perhaps the most traditional or oldest.

Find out!

1. Corporate branding
Among the many types of branding that have emerged over time, commercial or corporate branding is the most popular and used due to its importance for the business segment.

It is based on the construction of a brand that revolves around the central concept that characterizes an organization for commercial purposes.

Similarly, it encompasses all the work involved in managing a brand with the aim of making it known to the public, attracting potential customers and building a positive image that can endure in the minds of the audience .

It is made up of many elements that can vary from one brand to another. However, there are common factors between them, for example:

tone of communication ;
naming ;
image ;
visual identity .

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There are many examples of corporate branding

that we can cite, especially in this era how to make money online without leaving home guaranteed income where digital transformation has allowed us to promote less traditional brands, however, let’s go with the most representative one.

Netflix and its closeness to the public
The best streaming entertainment service did not achieve this position overnight.

This innovative company, which practically completely changed the concept of enjoying audiovisual content at home, uses corporate branding as its most powerful weapon to attract and delight millions of users.

By investing in its own content —with original films and series—, a personality well marked by its interactions on social networks to humanize the company’s name , in addition to an intense positioning strategy using Machine Learning , AI and Big Data to understand the agent email list preferences of each user, it has managed to imprint its identity in the minds of consumers.

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