The keys to the digital business: trust and a scientific mindset

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By David Tomas , published on August 14, 2015

In the age of the Internet, it is impossible to succeed without a team with the necessary talent for the digital company . Bill Gates in one of his most famous quotes said that “a good programmer is worth 10,000 times the price of an average developer.”

Everyone has an innate talent . It is important to discover what it is, in order to turn these qualities into a tangible benefit. Companies must help in this area, finding and placing talent in the right position in their organization if they want to successfully digitalize.

trust and the scientific mindset


The keys to a digital company
1# Trust
Companies that will be successful digitally are those that give and generate trust . To achieve this, it will be necessary to take these items into account:

Organizations are living entities that must be structured more flexibly .
The hierarchy loses importance.
Workers are free to make decisions .
Generate core values ​​for the organization, based on which each individual can make tips to increase traffic with instagram  free decisions.

2# Scientific Mentality
In the age of the Internet and big data, we have a huge amount of information about our agent email list consumers. We have to segment and analyze it using a scientific mindset until we find the formula that will lead us to success in the digital business . We must not be afraid of making mistakes. As Edison said, “I haven’t made any mistakes. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

Remember, it is much more efficient:

Perform dozens or hundreds of tests .
Accept the small failures , because from them we will learn what will lead us to success.
After a great triumph , always go in search of the next one.
Like scientists, we must operate on a trial and error basis until we achieve success. This requires a change in the way companies think , understanding that there is no need to be afraid of initial failure.

Having and retaining digital talent requires designing an appropriate strategy to achieve this. Companies need to define who they are, the services they offer and who they target.

In this way, they will be able to hire people who are aligned with these ideas, giving them confidence and freedom to use and develop all their talent in a digital company .

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