Take your temperament test and learn more about your personality

Choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine: discover why the temperament test is ideal for your personal progress, as it presents the profile, qualities and points that ne to be develop. In addition, it is excellent for the corporate environment, as it identifies the right people and indicates the most appropriate approach to generate engagement, aspiring to better performance.

Ivan de Souza

Apr 23, 21 | 5 min read
temperament test
Reading time: 4 minutes
Having emotional intelligence is no longer just another skill, but rather a requirement for today. You may not know it, but a temperament test is excellent, not only because it serves as a tool for self-knowlge , but also because it helps you orient yourself and have more emotional balance, reviewing and correcting postures.

Just as a SWOT matrix (widely us in marketing and business management) shows the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a company, with the temperament test you have a map to work on your personal and professional development.

Furthermore, this resource is widely us by the HR sector to understand employee behavior and how to work with each personality type efficiently.

The links to the temperament test are below, but first

let’s get a better understanding of what it is so you can get the most out of it.

What is a temperament test?
What are the 4 types of temperament?
Why is a temperament test important?
How to work on qualities and defects bas on the result?
How to discover your own temperament?
What is a temperament test?
Have you ever heard a comment about mauritius email list 150000 contact leads siblings (usually twins) who, despite receiving the same upbringing, have completely different behaviors? Inde, environment and culture shape us, however, there is something very individual that makes us who we are and this is shown to us by the temperament test.

In a corporate environment, this is very important. For example, sometimes a candidate whose cultural fit is right has a temperament that shows that he or she will not be very productive in a certain role.

Although it is quite relevant today, it is worth remembering that this analysis of temperaments arose a long time ago. It was a few centuries before Christ, when the Greek philosopher Hippocrates —also known as the father of micine— classifi 4 different temperaments to explain a little of human nature.

This describes the way a person acts, thinks, and even takes an interest in the world. Temperament will show a person’s possible abilities, defects, emotional characteristics, and mood .

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Differences between personality test and psychological test

Although both are us as tools by psychologists, the law provides that the psychometric test (another name for psychological testing) can only be administer by a qualifi professional. In addition to understanding the patient’s behavior, the psychologist can also discover pathologies such as depression and stress.

On the other hand, the temperament test is a which social mia platforms are most commonly us by smes? personality test, meaning it is a tool that other professionals, such as therapists or HR professionals, can use to understand more about behavioral patterns.

What are the 4 types of temperament?
Since Hippocrates determin the 4 types of temperament in Ancient Greece, they have been us as a form of classification.

Known for his explosive behavior, he is determin and courageous, and has the ability to easily coordinate people and delegate tasks, making him a born leader . He is creative, but at the same time he tends to be impatient and intolerant and to have a more selfish vision. His greatest challenge is to understand other alb directory perspectives besides his own and accept different possibilities.

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