Showrooming: your ally to sell online


Consumer habits are constantly changing and probably none of us will be able to predict their behavior thanks to the constant. Showrooming: your volution of technology. At the moment, anyone with access to the Internet can have three different methods to sell online :

Online store with home delivery

Online store with delivery to branch
Physical store
In any of these three options, the use of a smartphone is almost guaranteed. Thanks to a study carried out  greenland email list 150000 contact leads by SecureNet in 2015, we can see that more than half of consumers in the United States (55%) admit to having used a mobile device (smartphone, tablet) to search for information about a product while considering whether or not to buy it in a physical store.

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The above only confirms that customers today create the perfect environment to be able to make the right purchase. And that is precisely what Showrooming is…

You have probably heard this term, especially in the world of motoring, when at annual exhibitions or brand launches the different models that the customer can purchase are shown, allowing them to physically access them and determine if they are what they are looking for. The big difference is that at that time, the other points to keep in mind: customer probably does not have access to purchase the product, so they are convinced to go to their nearest agency to find out about financing plans, costs, customization options, etc.

Let’s say selling online is something similar


This is a way of buying in which the customer goes to their favourite store to view the product they a complete list of unit phone numbers wish to purchase and probably ends up buying it online. Although the concept is a little unknown to traditional buyers, for those who are more accustomed to buying online it turns out to be the solution to eliminate mistrust towards a product or brand – at this point you can try it and examine all its features – and buy it at a probably more competitive price or through promotions that generate more benefits.


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