Not sure what kind of marketing specialist you want to be? Learn about the top marketing titles and positions

Rock Content Editor

May 10, 21 | 7 min read
marketing positions
Reading time: 6 minutes
If you are interested in becoming a marketing professional, you are not alone! The marketing industry is robust and constantly growing.

There are different types of marketing titles and job titles you can choose from as you get into the industry. Each of these contributes to a macro, more robust marketing strategy .

We’ve selected a few marketing job titles so you can see which one best suits your skills:Social Media Manager
This role is among the newest of the many marketing titles and job titles in use today.

In this role, the professional is in charge of social

media and creates a community through each of them.

This job may seem simple, but there is a list of macedonia consumer email lot of effort and knowledge involved in managing these communities. A Social Media Manager writes and posts on these media, but also has to respond to comments from customers who ask questions or have complaints.

Building a community through social media takes time and this feature requires frequent posting.

It also requires creating a unique voice for all of your company’s social media messages. People will need to know that voice if you want to build a community around it.

To see the success of each marketing campaign, the Social Media Manager must track engagement to see which messages attract the most attention.

Content Marketing Manager
This is one of the most important positions within a marketing team. As we know, content is king and the Content Manager would be a kind of prime minister who plans and executes the strategies of his reign.

To carry out a Content Marketing strategy you must create blog posts, write new pages for the website, create marketing emails and create rich materials that can be downloaded, such as free ebooks for clients.

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When leads visit your website, they do so because

of your content, which is why you should always keep high quality as your guiding star when producing it.

In this role, you’ll work with the rest benefits of email marketing of the marketing team to create a unified voice and messaging .

You will often need to work with a designer to illustrate points with charts or infographics, to come up with new ways to increase blog traffic, or to get other types of interaction with your business.

SEO Specialist
In some marketing teams, an SEO specialist is indispensable. In this role, this marketing worker optimizes content so that it performs as well as possible agb directory when it comes to ranking in the results offered by search engines in the SERPs .

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