Learn about 12 interactive sites and how to create your own!

Interactive sites have the power to attract visitors, generate social media shares, and increase time on page. Some of the elements that contribute to this are quizzes, calculators, infographics, and videos.

Mateus Pimenta

Jun 2, 21 | 7 min read
interactive sites
Reading time: 6 minutes
One of the great challenges of a Content Marketing strategy is to involve the user and make them develop a positive feeling in relation to the brand.

This way, even if you don’t buy anything at that moment, the company will remain in your mind, which may result in a future business opportunity.

Interactive content has played a major role in this, as it makes the user participate in what is happening on the screen. In fact, interactivity is one of the key factors in Experiential Marketing , contributing to a strong relationship with the audience, greater brand reach and positive feedback.

You may be planning to use interactivity on your company

s website, but the truth is that this concept has only recently become more widespread.

So, there’s nothing better than getting to know some interactive sites to inspire you, right?

That’s exactly what you’ll find in this content. We’ll also talk a little bit about experiential marketing and how to create an interactive website. Next, we’ll cover the following topics:

What is an interactive website?
12 interactive sites to inspire you
Interactive elements to include on your company’s website
Shall we get started? Keep reading!

What is an interactive website?
Interactive sites are pages that offer personalized malawi email list 100000 contact leads experiences where the user has the power to be part of the interactions.

Because it is something different and capable of easily engaging people, interactive websites can make the audience remember the brand, and even generate word-of-mouth marketing.

Regardless of where and how interactivity is applied, the goal is to encourage user participation.

It is also necessary to find ways to transmit the brand’s values ​​through these experiences. This work generates a lasting relationship, building customer loyalty .

For those thinking about how to create a website, there is the advantage of being able to pay attention to interactivity from the start. However, it is also possible to use interaction design to adapt a ready-made website that does not yet have interactive elements.

Do you want to see some examples of interactive sites? Then, continue reading!

12 interactive sites to inspire you
Now that you know what an interactive site is, here are 12 examples to inspire you!

1. Daesk
Daesk is not only based on a colorful site, but also full of interactivity. There are elements that move or appear during navigation.

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In some titles, the letters appear one at a time as

if they were being typed while browsing. There is also a video that simulates the use of the company’s platform.

2. Makemepulse
This site was created with the goal of being like a optimization of mobile and desktop versions virtual New Year’s card, but it is very different from an ordinary card.

Through interactivity, it is possible to modify the background and interact differently with each of the words presented on the screen.

3. Cengage
Cengage is a platform for distance learning courses. They had the idea of ​​putting a calculator on the website so that potential customers could calculate how much they would save by studying with them.

4. Ono
Ono is a food delivery service whose corporate values ​​revolve around respect for the environment and people’s health.

When you enter the company’s website, you will betting email list find elements that appear or slide during navigation. All this without counting the beautiful colors and high-quality photos.

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