How to use ABM in digital strategy online events

ABM is a non-traditional marketing approach, after all, so why not think outside the box when it comes to the content you create to support your ABM efforts? In this post, we’ll tell you how to host a live event to support your account-bas marketing strategy, with 4 tips to engage your audience and make the event a memorable experience that provides a human connection with your brand.

Rod P. Curi

May 31, 21 | 5 min read
abm events
Reading time: 4 minutes
Although account-bas marketing, or ABM , is gaining traction, it’s still consider a less traditional marketing approach. And if you’re going to go non-traditional, why not think outside the box like, say, ABM at events?

When it comes to creating content for ABM, there are many options that come to mind, such as a whitepaper or an infographic , among many other valuable elements that are typical of a content base.

We could say that these values ​​or differentials that activate the memory of our brand — known in marketing as assets — are the ones that do all the heavy lifting of an account-bas marketing campaign, but they often ne support to keep them attractive enough for the target audience.

Giving a tangible gift through a traditional mail-out

kit is a great strategy that connects you directly with your audience. But what if you took it a step further and gave away those kits at a live event, whether in-person or virtual?

Once you’ve research and implement your ABM strategy for an online event, we suggest adding an element of non-traditional content to your mix.

Organizing a live event is a big challenge, no matter martinique email list 100000 contact leads how experienc you are as a marketer. That’s why we’re going to give you four top tips that will boost your ABM campaigns for your event and generate better business.

Are there any industry webinars happening that

would be of interest and could inspire great conversations if you watch them together?

You’ll decide the best time to set up a live event, what kind of content you’d ne to create to support it, and which team members will be on-site to organize and follow up with attendees. Once everything is align, the “homework” phase of your event begins.

Keep reading!

Step Two: Planning – The Sooner the Better
When you’re organizing an event, whether it’s live or not, it’s always good to get there early. Especially when there are venues and catering to consider, everything has to be very well plann. If your live event is virtual you can eliminate steps like these, but there will still be a lot of elements to consider, like securing moderators and choosing the right tool to use for hosting.

To approach planning efficiently, set up a spreadsheet where you’ll track important deadlines, gather pieces of content that ne to be plann and execut before the event, and store contact information for everyone who will be working on the event.

Sales and marketing representatives should conduct weekly check-ins to monitor the progress of pre-event planning and make sure all the details are clear.

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Step Three: Consider the content of the event

Just because you want to make your event natural heat maps what are they and what are they us for and organic doesn’t mean you don’t have to create a content structure to do so. To do this, make an inventory of supporting content that fits the theme of your event.

When a person attends your event, they are showing their interest and it is essential to follow up appropriately and thank them for their time. At the event, you should ask specific questions betting email list and record their interactions, as this information will be invaluable for follow-up.

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