How to improve the CTR of your commercial emails

It’s not just about creating campaigns and that’s it, it’s important that you consider the metrics and try to improve the CTR of commercial emails . This will give you the possibility of knowing the real number of users who have correctly received your email campaigns.

You must have clearly defined the objectives How to improve of your emails, as well as the action you want the user to take. This way you will be able to clearly understand which links and CTAs you need to include in your email. Keep in mind that these elements are crucial when it comes to increasing the number of clicks and achieving a good CTR.

The higher the number, the greater the number of users who will complete the expected action. For this reason, it is so important that you learn all the necessary techniques to improve the CTR of commercial emails. It is key to the success of your email marketing campaigns.


Why is it important to measure the CTR of commercial emails?

delving into the strategies, you need to know the importance of this metric. This way, you will work with greater awareness, taking care of every detail to achieve your goals

  • It is a good indicator of engagement , since you can know if the database you use or the one you are creating is really what your business requires. If your CTR is good, it means that the contacts you are getting are also good.
  • It will give you the opportunity to discover whether you are offering valuable content to your users. If you set CTR growth as a KPI, this will allow you to better understand whether or not you have a contact list that is engaged with your content.
  • You can keep in touch with your list of norway whatsapp phone numbers subscribers , so you should make them aware of your news, products or services. You have to offer all kinds of content that is useful for users , and helps them connect and learn more about your brand.


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What should you avoid to avoid affecting the CTR of commercial emails?

If you want to improve the CTR of your commercial emails, it is not enough to just know some strategies. It is also essential that you know which are 8 reasons why you should use infographics the mistakes that are usually made and that directly affect this very important metric:

  • Underestimating the potential of your email singapore lead subject line, in fact, it is this that drives the user to open it. With a good subject line you can get that first click, but if it does not attract attention, it will most likely end up in spam or in the trash.
  • Skip the mobile design, many people only design their emails thinking that they will be opened from a desktop computer. Nowadays, it is essential that you work with responsive emails, since more and more users check their email from a mobile device.
  • Put aside the analysis of what is working and what is not in relation to clicks. Keep in mind that if you do not measure what is working correctly and what needs to be improved, you will not know what results to work on.
  • Place a call to action that does not stand out from the rest of the email content. The idea is to make it clear enough for the user to understand what action they should take. A good CTA is capable of increasing the CTR.
  • Overloading your email with too many calls to action means you need to set a specific goal and a specific point that recipients can click on. By placing multiple CTAs with different actions, you will only confuse the user and they will probably not take any action.

Strategies to improve the CTR of commercial emails

Now that you know the importance of this metric and everything you should avoid to avoid bad results, it’s time to look at the most commonly used techniques to improve the CTR of commercial emails, which will be key to the success of your campaigns:

1.- Work on the subjects of your emails


What will be the first thing recipients see? None other than the subject line of the email. So if you want to improve the CTR of commercial emails, you must create one capable of capturing the attention of readers as soon as they enter their inbox.

In order for people to take action within the email, they must first access it, and the subject line is precisely what will give them this impulse. It should be brief, especially considering that they will see it from their mobile phones. Include phrases that convey the value contained in the email, so that they know the benefits from the beginning.

It is true that the subject line has an impact on the open rate. For this reason, it is so important that there is coherence between what is promised in that line and what the user finds in the offer within the email. All of this will positively influence your click through rate.

2.- Personalize your emails

People certainly love to feel unique and special, and you can create this by personalizing your emails. You can start by placing the subscriber’s name at

the beginning of the email, as this will give it a more personal touch.

But beyond the name, it is key to personalize the offer, keeping in mind that not everyone wants the same thing. Knowing exactly what they need or prefer is essential to get them to click on the action you established. In addition, it is a way to make the user feel that it was written specifically for them.

You can work with personalization tokens to make the recipient feel more involved with your brand. Most email marketing automation tools provide them, so it will be an easy and effective strategy.

3.- Add an attractive and clear CTA


Another key element to improve the CTR of commercial emails is through the use of a good call to action. It is essential that it catches the user’s attention and is clear enough so that they do not hesitate to click on it . Remember that the CTA is

what tells the user what they must do to continue with the process.

The first thing you should consider is having a single call to action that people can click on, avoid multiplying the options. Why use just one button? Because each of the emails you send should have a single objective regarding what you want your subscriber to do.

Now, of course, you can place multiple call-to-action links within an email, but you need to make sure that all of these call-to-action links are asking people to do the same thing.

Today’s consumers love convenience, so you need to make things easy for them. Don’t distract users with links that don’t contribute to

the main goal of your email. The CTA should be able to clearly reflect the result of clicking, for example, you can state what your offer is.

4.- Think about responsive design

Among the strategies to improve the CTR of commercial emails, responsive design cannot be missed. Nowadays, it is very important that emails can

be displayed correctly on mobile devices. Consider that around 60% of all emails are opened and read via mobile.

For this reason, it is essential that emails have a mobile format. Keep in mind that if calls to action are not displayed correctly or are too small, it is difficult

for users to click on them. You have to create CTAs and links that stand out on all the devices that people usually use to open emails.

Keep in mind that this will impact the user experience, so you need to make sure you know how your emails look on different devices. The best way to do this is by sending yourself sample emails to review the entire process and UX. This way, you can spot factors you hadn’t considered that may be very relevant.

5.- Perform A/B testing

There is no better way to know if your campaigns will work properly than by doing A/B tests. These will allow you to understand what you could do to optimize your results. And this in turn will help you improve the CTR of commercial emails.

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