How to create an email marketing funnel that converts?

Raphael Pires

May 4, 21 | 8 min read
email marketing funnel
Reading time: 6 minutes
While you may hear some marketing professionals say that email is dead, this is far from the truth.

In fact, Email Marketing remains one of the highest-performing strategies a business can employ in the modern era.

When we correctly design an Email Marketing campaign, we can achieve a significant increase in our ROI .

But, to get the most out of this strategy, generate more leads and increase your business sales, you must have a very well-designed Email Marketing funnel .

That’s why we wrote this post, in which you can see:

What is an Email Marketing Funnel?
Why is creating a buyer persona important in Email Marketing funnels?
How to create an email funnel for your business?
Email Marketing Best Practices to Keep in Mind

Email marketing is more alive than ever and email funnels

are working at full speed. Let’s analyze the details you need to know about this topic to help your business grow!

What is an Email Marketing Funnel?
An email marketing funnel is much more than sending random emails in the hopes of converting a lead into a customer.

This type of marketing is designed to list of mauritania consumer email nurture potential customers over a period of time that will depend on your business’s customer life cycle .

To create an effective email marketing funnel, you must understand and anticipate your customers’ needs.

Your business has more than one type of customer, and each needs to be routed through the right funnel.

Your Email Marketing funnel must meet three objectives:

Capture the attention of your subscriber/ lead .
Attract them enough to drive them to your website.
Provide enough information for us to contact you directly if we have questions.
An email funnel is not a sales promotion, it is a series of emails sent at strategically planned times. They can be in time sequences or based on certain trigger actions on your website.

Why is creating a buyer persona important in Email Marketing funnels?
Your customers can be grouped into different types of buyer personas that differ completely from one company to another.

However, it is important to identify them because each type of buyer needs a different Email Marketing flow to complete the conversion.

Let’s give an example to better explain what a buyer persona is. Our fictitious business is a bookstore and we have three different clients:

University students
We don’t need to delve into these buyer personas to realize that each of them will have very different purchasing needs.

Identifying the buyer personas for your email marketing funnel is not that easy. However, once these groups are identified, you can quickly determine how to speak to each buyer persona you have.

By properly placing these buyer personas in your email funnels, you will increase the chances of them converting into customers.

list of mauritania consumer email

How to create an email funnel for your business

The way to create an email funnel for your business can be divided into four stages.

Each of the stages represents unique points during the customer journey that require different types of content.

If you don’t provide the right content at the which social media platforms are most commonly used by smes? right stage, you can lose customers. An email marketing funnel takes time to develop, but it’s worth it because the ROI is significant.

The top of the funnel is for generating leads
The top of the funnel is to attract and capture leads, i.e. Internet users who are most likely to buy from your company.

Your email list is the big difference between having a decent quarter and exceeding your sales goals. However, there are numerous ways to generate top-of-funnel leads.

The first, and also the best, is to create an email subscription. We usually create a free offer that attracts our leads and gives them a chance to voluntarily provide us with their name and email address.

Once they provide it, you can send them all agent email list your offers via email and place them in the appropriate funnels.

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