Everyone wants to boost their marketing results with as little effort as possible. One easy way to do this is by improving the quality of your data. You might not have given much thought to the data you are collecting for marketing purposes but, chances are, there is room for improvement.
What does perfect data look like?
Start by assuming that your data is broken and then work towards improving it by using this checklist:
You can manage the destinations for your data in the Active Destinations tab. Depending on the platform, you’ll be asked for your account data and Facebook pixel ID, Google ID, etc.
You can also set up your engineer data conversions so that the data layer knows where to send each one. For each conversion, you can choose whether to include user-provided data and custom parameters.
It’s tied to revenue
It’s fast (server-side, lightweight)
There is a journey to revenue (you know how that data maps to revenue)
On top of that, we added connected to the API to make the transfer of data to the different destinations automated, and we’ll soon be adding server-side to make this even easier.
You’ll also have integration with Analytics, CMP, Salesforce and other associated tools to help you with your marketing.
How does ListenLayer work?
You may have already tried improving your data, only to find roadblocks along the way which have pushed you towards GTM or hiring a programmer to write your own scripts. Facing all these problems, you might decide that aiming for perfect data is just not worth the effort.
ListenLayer can solve this problem after registration you need to fill out a profile with very little effort from you. Firstly, a data layer is inserted between your data and the data platforms to simplify data transfer.
Iterating on this process, we decided to increase the complexity of the data layer by adding definitions, data templates, and user data.
Live demo
When you run a test with ListenLayer, we will show you the data coming in from the different listeners in real time alongside your live website.
The listeners are based on vietnam news latter the triggers and conversions you set up on the interface.
You can group conversions and even create sub-conversions. For example, if form submission is a conversion, the sub-conversions can define the different types of form.