11 surprising values ​​from the happiest company in the world

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By Cyberclick , published on November 13, 2015

Would you like to work in the happiest company in the world? A happy company is a place where employees voluntarily contribute to the collective well-being, and which also contributes positively to society. This utopian dream could be closer than you think, you just need to find the right map and propose to list of yemen consumer email  its steps one by one. Here we present 11 surprising values ​​of the happiest company in the world.

11 surprising values ​​from the happiest company in the world


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Last September, the publishing house Empresa Activa published the book by our CEO David Tomás : The internet seo vital parameters of web positioning Happiest Company in the World . In it, he tells the story of Felix, a biologist who has been retired from the world for two years, researching the healing plants of the Umeni tribe. When he returns to civilization to take over the bookstores he inherited from his father, Felix finds a business mired in apathy and on the verge of collapse. From this moment on, Felix’s story takes on a new purpose: to turn the bookstores into a happy agent email list business using the principles of simple living learned from the Umeni.

In The Happiest Company in the World

David Tomás reveals the “treasure map” of happiness in the company, through 11 values ​​as simple as they are surprising:

1. Stop and decide to be happy . The first step is to be brave and ask ourselves what we can do to be a happier company. Without this decision, it would be impossible to get going.
2. Take care of your energy . The most valuable asset of a company is the energy that the people who work there contribute, so give it all the attention it deserves.
3. As Felix discovered with the Umeni, keeping things simple helps us to be happy.
4. Do what you do best. The mission of a happy company is to get its employees to do what they do best. This way, they can contribute their best and feel fulfilled.
5. Learn every day . Continuous learning and growth, both personal and professional, is a pillar of a happy company.
6. Love the why of your company . A happy company must have a why, a reason for existing with which we can identify.
7. Learn to say no . Knowing how to say no is essential to be able to say yes to what is truly important.

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