10 reasons to implement Digital Body Language in Marketing


Gestures, postures, tics… our body language is unique and says a lot about us, which is why traditional door-to-door salespeople have always known how to take advantage of it to close a sale. These subtle clues tell us which argument is best to use in each case, whether the customer is bored or is paying full attention to us, whether they are ready to buy, which discounts may seem more attractive… in short, a wealth of information that is simply not available when we sell online. But not all is lost: thanks to digital body language , you can french polynesia email list 150000 contact leads know everything you need from your potential customer and take advantage of their unconscious signals to sell.

Digital body language is the sum of all the digital activities of a user. Both on our website and on social networks. Visits, clicks, forms, “likes”… these are the small gestures that make up the digital footprint of each person . As with “analogue” digital language, each client is a unique individual. So that you don’t miss any of these clues. Today I want to tell you the 10 reasons to implement digital body language in your marketing strategies .

10 reasons to implement Digital Body Language in marketing


10 reasons to implement digital body language in marketing


french polynesia email list 150000 contact leads

Because it allows you to take advantage of the full potential of big data
You’ve probably heard of the term “big data,” but do you use it in your marketing plans?


Because it goes much further than Google Analytics

Google’s measurement tool is the basis of many digital marketers’ daily lives. But although it is a wordpress advertising adsense wpquads very useful and complex software, it is not enough if we want to know our users one by one. As with any other marketing tool, we have to take advantage of what it offers us, knowing that it is not a panacea and being open to new solutions.


Because you will have all the metrics that matter under control
According to the book Digital Body Language , there are ten essential a complete list of unit phone numbers aspects to controlling this language.


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